Cold Call Tip of the Week – The Boomerang! Closing Technique

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What’s interesting about the conversation that connects humans to products and services is the dialogue has little to do with selling the prospect on the product or service. Establishing interest actually takes little time. The issue is the “salesman stigma.” Your prospects are afraid of you. Your prospects don’t want to be sold quickly or swerved over on.

Completely understandable. After experiencing scammers, autodialing robots, and swindlers, how could you expect any more?

However, there is a new message in 2017. Good products and services, and well, humans, actually help other people.

I know, I love getting cold called. When someone has something good to say and hits a pain of mine, I love to hear it. I’m all ears. This being said, I hate scamming autodialing telemarketer robot calls.

Why? Because to me, its a waste of time and not real. Many of us feel the same way. The moment we feel like we are getting “sold,” we feel swindled and regret any communication with the person, or being, on the other end.

There is a different way. We, as salespeople, can actually dis spell this misconception early. All we have to do is communicate our purpose early. That’s it. Our transparency is key. We must deliver our goal early so we can confront their fears before it is too late.

If we can do this, cold calling and lead generation isn’t so hard. By dis spelling what we do early, we can work our way BACK to our call-to-action. If you check out this video, you will understand how we can start the conversation with our ask, before moving back to the call-to-action.

Check out the video. You might find yourself closing your next appointment on your next cold call.

In leads and appointments,

Ryan P

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